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Candice Drouet 1 milyon kareyi ve 129 filmin kapanış cümlelerini yan yana getirerek 8 dakikalık yepyeni bir kısa film montajladı.

Last Words / Candice Drouet from Really Dim on Vimeo.

Aktrist ve komedyen Candice Drouet hayatı boyunca izlediği filmlerden farklı temalara göre ayırıp biriktirdiği görüntüleri “My Life In 1.000.000 Frames” (1 Milyon Karede Hayatım) adlı görsel proje için bir montajda bir araya getirdi. 

129 filmden 8 dakikalık yeni bir senaryo üreten “Last Words” (Son Sözler) adlı kısa film şu filmlerden oluşuyor:


Gravity / Zero Dark Thirty / My Own Private Idaho / Punch Drunk Love / Lost in Translation / Flawless / Last Days / The Knight of Cups / Psycho / The Hours / Snatch / 127 Hours / Control / Carrie / Natural Born Killers / Interstellar / Ruby Sparks / The Matrix / The Pianist / High Fidelity / Jaws / The Reader / My Week With Marilyn / StrangerLand / Contagion / Little Miss Sunshine / Drive / Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas / The Terminator / Donnie Darko / Only God Forgives / Snowtown / Slow West / Behind the Candelabra / The Great Gatsby / Kill Bill 1 / Flightplan / Fargo / Being John Malkovich / The Babadook / Breakfast at Tiffany’s / Kill Bill 2 / Little Children / Notes On a scandal / Minority Report / Savages / The Piano / Big Fish / Cosmopolis / Child 44 / The Royal Tenenbaums / Catch me if you can / Barton Fink / The Birds / Walk The Line / The Grand Budapest Hotel / Manglehorn / Dark Shadows / The Kids Are All Right / The Big Lebowski / Dazed and Confused / Goodfellas / Blue Jasmine / American Hustle / Groundhog Day / The Master / The World’s End / Inherent Vice / Macbeth / Raging Bull / Boogie Nights / Ex Machina / Monster / Titanic / Gangs of New York / Mulholland Drive / The Machinist / Insomnia / August Osage County / Wrong Cops / Broken Flowers / Tangerine / Doubt / Dogville / Apocalypse Now / Night Crawler / It Follows / Secret Window / Still Alice / Fight Club / Youth / Edward Scissors Hands / Irrational Man / Casino / Confessions Of a Dangerous Mind / Her / Transpotting / Filth / The Unbearable Lightness of Being / Inglourious Basterds / Philomena / There Will Be Blood / Citizen Kane / Reservoir Dogs / Marie-Antoinette / The Dreamers / The Others / Django Unchained / Pulp Fiction / The Hurt Locker / The Silence of The Lambs / The Queen / City Of God / Inside Llewyn Davis / Taxi Driver / Black Swann / One Hour Photo / The Diary of a Teenage Girl / American Psycho / 2001 A Space Odyssey / Eyes Wide Shut / Holy Motors / O Brother, Where Art Thou ? / Memento / Moonrise Kingdom / Vanilla Sky.

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2025-03-31 23:51:24